Jun 2, 2021
In our fourth episode, Congressman LJ Castro of Saipan discusses several key moments and debates from the Northern Mariana Islands’ self-determination process of the 1960s and ‘70s, including the Marianas Political Status Commission’s negotiations with the United States government to end the NMI’s status as a US-administered Trust Territory. Through the so-called “Covenant Agreement,” the Northern Marianas were ultimately able to establish the islands as a commonwealth of the United States with greater rights, autonomy, and citizenship.
LJ Castro is a former congressman in the Northern Mariana Islands’ House of Representatives, and is currently coordinator for the NMI’s Youth Congress. Mr. Castro also serves as creative director of Guma' Simiyan Manaina-ta, a dance troupe showcasing Chamorro culture through the performing arts. In 2017, he was granted the Governor's Humanities Award for Preservation of Traditional Cultural Practices, in recognition of his work in promoting culture through song, chant, and dance.
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